“When I ride, why do I have to choose between technical (but ugly) clothing and stylish (but unsuitable) clothing? »

It is this recurring question that gave Céline and Zoé the desire to create the TOMO Clothing brand.
Many of our customers - the WOMEN WHO RIDE - spoke to us about this "moment of freedom of the day", outside everyday life, time, the body, the metro... They also had the word "requirement" to the mouth, the one they give to their two-wheelers, helmets, and today clothes. They have always had a thought for their "style", feminine but without cliché, elegant but functional. And they thought “multiwear” without even pronouncing it, dreaming of wearing their clothes on the road but not only. We finally come back to freedom...
At TOMO Clothing, we design gear that takes you on the road, morning to night, office to restaurant, and everywhere in between. We promise you, you won't change all day.

TOMO Clothing is the clothes you need AND want.
Each TOMO Clothing piece of equipment is the perfect combination of technicality, functionality and style.
Equipment to protect you in the event of a fall or impact on the road.
Equipment to keep you dry in drizzle, rain, storm or snow.
Equipment to keep you warm in cool, cold or freezing weather.
Accessories to facilitate and enhance your daily life on the road.
Equipment to protect you in the event of a fall or impact on the road.
Designed with abrasion-resistant textiles and reflective inserts, made with reinforced seams, and for some delivered with protective shells on the elbows and shoulders and back protectors.
Shoulder and elbow protectors
BOB protective parka
Equipment to keep you dry in drizzle, rain, storm or snow.
Designed with waterproof and water-repellent textiles and reflective inserts, made with taped seams, and for some delivered with a storage pouch.
BILLIE V02 rain trench coat
SASHA waterproof windbreaker jacket
Breathable gear to keep you cool in hot weather, or provide warmth in cold weather.
Designed with warm, breathable and anti-bacterial textiles to adapt to every situation.
CAMILLE fleece jacket
GAËLLE Breathable short-sleeved T-shirt
MAËLLE breathable sweatshirt
ALIX luminous bicycle helmet - Bottle green / Ecru
JOE reflective socks

Our products
At TOMO Clothing, we only design products that meet a need, not just a desire ("fashion that follows function"). We therefore select our textiles and supplies on their technical quality and their resistance to time, while prioritizing responsible materials and production methods.

Our clients
Our first ambition at TOMO Clothing is to inspire as many women as possible to take the step of two-wheelers when it comes to the most suitable means of transport for them. Our second ambition is to encourage them to equip themselves in a way that suits their needs so that they can drive with complete peace of mind and in all conditions.

Our team
We have created a recruitment method unique to TOMO Clothing. We receive applications via an anonymous form (removing any unconscious bias linked to names, photos, ages, postal addresses, etc.). And we evaluate our candidates based on scenarios (rather than on their schools and previous employers).

Zoé (the brunette) likes motorcycles, especially vintage, scooters, especially vintage, and bicycles, not too vintage anyway.
Céline (the blonde) likes to travel on a motorcycle in countries that we only hear about at Trivial Pursuit, and ride memorable distances on a bike in disastrous weather (her specialty).
Zoé spent 7 years at Le Slip Français as collection director, and takes care of brand and product image at TOMO Clothing. Céline worked for 6 years as a business strategy consultant, and is in charge of operations and sales at TOMO Clothing.